9 Lives - string quartet 9 lives score (dragged).jpg

9 Lives - string quartet

AdobeStock_78916072.jpeg finger music notes page.jpg

finger music - amplified violin, viola

fragmented fixations cover.jpg fragmented fixations page sample.jpg

fragmented fixations - tenor sax, percussion

AdobeStock_245328569.jpeg re(sil)i(ent) sound score sample.jpg

the re(sil)i(ent) sound - string quartet

AdobeStock_194635922.jpeg w(e)aving sample page.jpg

w(e)aving - string quartet

AdobeStock_194635922.jpeg w(e)aving for string orchestra sample page.jpg

w(e)aving - string orchestra version, Score ONLY

war no more cover.jpg war no more - score sample.jpg

war no more - violin, cello

of f(all)ing score (dragged).jpg of f(all)ing score (dragged) 2.jpg

of f(all)ing - violin and cello
